Q: Does this online course guarantee safety?
A: As there is no “sure fire” way to guarantee safety, Street Smarts Matterâ„¢ strives to minimize potential dangers by causing one to use extreme caution in case scenario exercises.
Q: I’m moving back to my country soon. Why do I need to know about being safe in the U.S.A.?
A: While some of the multiple choice questions are peculiar to the U.S., many are a global concern.
Q: Will this exercise be in other languages?
A: There are future plans for such.
Q: For what age bracket is this exercise?
A: For children (ages 6+) For adults (ages 16 – 100+)
Q: Since this is an adult course, why does the age bracket start at 16 yrs.?
A: Many teens live in school dormitories and are forced to be more independent.